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Cameroon-Monkey Pox-Cholera : EU Grants 100 Million F

The European Union has provided this envelope for additional humanitarian aid to tackle these epidemics.   150,000 euros or nearly…

The European Union has provided this envelope for additional humanitarian aid to tackle these epidemics.


150,000 euros or nearly 100 million F to continue the fight against cholera and monkey pox. “ These funds will make it possible to carry out a public health campaign and the distribution of water and hygiene items to the most vulnerable families ”, indicates the EU delegation in Cameroon.

In terms of balance sheet, monkey pox which has been occurring since the beginning of 2022, it appears that as of December 28, 113 suspected cases have been reported, including 18 confirmed and 3 deaths.

With regard to cholera, 15,085 cases of cholera have been reported in the country since the resurgence of the epidemic in October 2021, including 299 deaths as of December 27, 2022. Three regions are currently active: the Center, the Littoral and the Far North.

“We have a drop in data in terms of contamination with regard to cholera, but we have an outbreak of cholera in a population of sandblasters in Ntui. Even so far, this situation, too, is under control. There is nothing to worry about,” said Manaouda Malachi, Minister of Public Health.


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