
Cameroon : Kribi, Bertoua , Tiko Airports to be Operational in 2023

To boost the domestic services of the national air carrier, Camair-Co, the Ministry of Transport has announced the operationalization of…

To boost the domestic services of the national air carrier, Camair-Co, the Ministry of Transport has announced the operationalization of at least three airports during the year 2023.


The exact date of the materialization of this announcement is not yet revealed. But the the states assures it will be done in the year 2023.The Minister of Transport reports that, the civil aviation authority, the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA), will have to accelerate the process of rehabilitation of these secondary airports to increase air passenger traffic on the domestic service by Camairco, after those of Ngaoundere, Bafoussam-Bamougoum and Bamenda.

According to the ministry, the air transport sub-sector will continue, in 2023, to intensify the modernisation of airport infrastructures. In this regard, the certification of the Douala International Airport to make it a hub; the rehabilitation of its terminal and the runway of the Garoua Airport will be undertaken.

The operationalisation of these airports is announced since August 2023. That year, the Minister of Transport, Jean Ernest Massena Ngalle Bibehe, signed a communiqué indicating that Cameroon has the ambition to provide each of the country’s ten regions with a functional airport.”The Head of State instructed the Aeronautical Authority, under the guidance of the Ministry of Transport, technical supervisor, to ensure the control of the work envisaged and finalize, without delay, the signing of contracts with companies selected for their realization, for the early start of the said work,” said the member of government.

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