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Cameroon : Muyuka Medics On Sit down strike

Since March 31, nurses from the town's district hospital have been protesting for an increase in their salaries.   "Enough…

Since March 31, nurses from the town’s district hospital have been protesting for an increase in their salaries.


“Enough is enough, give the nurses their rights. Nurses are not robots,” we read on posters. The placards are carried by nurses from the Muyuka district hospital in the Fako division, South West region of Cameroon.

The nurses took to the streets to denounce the poor management of staff and their salaries, which they consider derisory. According to the G&J Media platform, the nurses say they are fighting for their rights and transparency in state-owned health structures, “nurses must be treated with respect by doctors,”. One of the main demands of the health workers, besides better pay, is the quarterly meeting of the staff at the hospital.


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