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Cameroon: New National Youth Council Board Installed

The Minister of Youth and Civic education, Mounoua Foutsou, installed the new executive members of this body last Thursday ,…

The Minister of Youth and Civic education, Mounoua Foutsou, installed the new executive members of this body last Thursday , 10th August.


The new executive committee of the Cameroon National Youth Council took office today. Fadimatou Iyawa Ousmanou, President of the Council, and her team were officially install by the Minister of Youth and Civic Education.

At the Yaounde Conference Center in Yaounde, the installation ceremony was well attended. In addition to the minister and his staff, other members of the government were present, including the Minister of Transport, Ernest Massena Ngalle Bibehe, and the Grand Chancellor of the National Orders, former Prime Minister Philémon Yang.

The National Youth Council organised a march through the streets of the capital on the eve of this ceremony, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education. The aim was to say no to the hate speech that is spreading in the country.

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