CultureBooks, Culture

Literary Celebration Of Cameroon-U.S Couple

Ambassador Pierre Ndzengue dedicated his second book, "Cameroon and the United States of America: the history of diplomatic relations from…

Ambassador Pierre Ndzengue dedicated his second book, “Cameroon and the United States of America: the history of diplomatic relations from 1960 to 2021 and the need for a new Cameroonian diplomatic generation”.


The presentation of the new book by H.E. Pierre Ndzengue was held in the amphitheatre of the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC). The ceremony was attended by a large number of diplomats and academics.

The author of the book “Le couple Cameroun – Etats Unis d’Amérique: Histoire des relations diplomatiques de 1960 à 2021 et nécessité d’une nouvelle ingénierie diplomatie du Cameroun” (Cameroon – United States: History of diplomatic relations from 1960 to 2021 and the need for a new diplomatic engineering in Cameroon) wanted to write a book to commemorate the diplomatic relations between the two States. The book, prefaced by Professor Jean Emmanuel Pondi and published by Ifrikiya, has as as main objective the reconstruction of Cameroon-US relations over more than 60 years.

Pierre Ndzengue has spent almost 20 years researching Cameroon-US relations and has now written a book outlining the various stages of these relations. He explains, for example, that the United States of America was one of the first companions of Cameroon in the years following the country’s independence. The first cooperation agreement between the two countries was signed on 25 May 1961. Just some few months later, the president of the young state (Ahmadou Ahidjo) made his first visit to Uncle Sam’s country.

The author also wanted to remind Cameroonians of the long and rich relationship between the two countries. A relationship he hopes will be preserved.


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