OpinionIdeas, Opinion

“This country is paying for greed and oversized egos of some Cameroonians” Barrister Akere Muna

Football which used to be the last bastion and the source of pride of Cameroon is now the object of…

Akere Muna

Football which used to be the last bastion and the source of pride of Cameroon is now the object of a sordid spectacle. Like in every sector, this country is paying for greed and oversized egos of some Cameroonians.

Everything is there online for the world to see as the surrogates of warring factions feud at the Yaoundé Hilton. Who is at the rudder of this chaos? Everyone has their own “hautes instructions”. Things are indeed falling apart and the center can no longer hold. That some can gloat at such a chaotic situation is to say the least, shocking.

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