PoliticsPolitics, security

Community Show Strong Support toCameroon’s Anti Separatist Crusaders, Peace Architects

Community leaders in Nkambe, North West Region of Cameroon have come out strong to show support to their peace crusaders and…

Community leaders in Nkambe, North West Region of Cameroon have come out strong to show support to their peace crusaders and architects.


They made their feelings clear in a memo addressed to the Head of State and handed through the Senior Divisional officer for Donga MantungBassiliken Georges Magloire Emmanuel on Friday 4th October 2024

The community leaders were emphatic that Nkambe has been known as the island of peace in a turbulent North West Region and cannot be sacrificed. Donga Mantung Division is currently playing host to so many infrastructural projects for which the leaders expressed sincere thanks to the President of the Republic.

“The ongoing construction of the Ring road stretch from Kumbo – Ndu – Nkambe – Misaje, with nearly all the lots contracted to enterprises managed by sons of Donga MantungDivision

“The ongoing construction of the Nkambe Regional Hospital Annex.

“The highly applauded presidential plan for reconstruction and development (PPRD) of the North West and South West Regions just to name but these.”


Nkambe Central subdivision is the only in the North West Region where children go to school on Mondays and in their uniforms.

“We have stood tall and remain the example in terms of participation at the Major National festivities such as 11th February (Youth Day), The National Day (20th May), International Day of the Rights of the Woman (8th March), and the Head of State’s anniversary in power commemorated every 6 November.


“Our attachment and respect for state institutions is unmatched. Our unconditional rejection of violence especially the ongoing armed conflict in the North West and South West Regions is telling of our determination and commitment to continue to stand by the Head of State in the Construction of a greater Cameroon.

“Our massive adherence to policies and politics of national integration, reconciliation and living together is telling of who we are.”

The community leaders paid glowing tributes to those who have contributed massively to the peace, security and stability of the subdivision amongst which are Shey Jones Yembe, Hon Ngala Gerard and Mayor Musa Shey Nfor.

“These leaders have worked hard and in unison with the Administration, other stakeholders and the population to ensure and sustain peace.”


Since the dawn of 2024, Nkambe has come under serious attacks. Beginning with the detonation of an IED on the 11th February 2024 and the setting ablaze of some 14 commercial motor bikes in Njapteh village. 

The kidnapping for ransom and killing of innocent civilians is rife. This adds to the several number of people kidnapped and tortured on the Ndu-Kumbo-Bamenda stretch of road. The reason is simple, because they’re from Nkambe and have refused to adhere to the separatist agenda of creating a new state known as Ambazonia

These disturbing occurrences according to the community leaders is because of “some few unpatriotic, self-centered civil servants, persons within the forces of law and order, the judiciary in None abetting acts of destabilisation l, victimisation of youths, fabrication and propagation of false information in collaboration with well-established secessionists sponsored media.” The community leaders acknowledged.

The memo further reads that these individuals who are scheming to be elected into office during the forthcoming elections have been sponsoring deceitful reports against elected officials.

The general appeal as they presented the memo is for President Paul Biya to use his wisdom to stop the ill-intentioned people with bad faith.

“Kindly use your Supreme Authority, wisdom, and tact to take measures reassuring the youths and the peaceful population of Nkambe that, victimisation and sabotage especially of their leaders cannot go unpunished and will not prevail.

“Kindly take measures to encourage and reinforce the security in Nkambe Central that has been tempered with by the dark forces.

Be rest assured of our unflinching support and loyalty.”

The pious hope of all those back in Nkambe is for a return to peace and tranquility which they have enjoyed before and during the 8-year old crisis.

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