A decision signed by the Minister of Secondary Education has been used to close down these schools, which operate inequitably.
According to a report by the National Brigade for the Control of Private Educational Institutions, 172 secondary schools in Cameroon are operating without a founding decree, without an opening act, a demarcation between primary and secondary education, on borrowed land and in an environment that is not conducive to school activity.
With this in mind, the Minister of Secondary Education, Pr Nalova Lyonga, has carried out a major clean-up operation, closing 172 schools across the country. The Littoral region has the highest number of closed schools: 67. These include the Bonaberi collège classique, which is operating on a borrowed site. The second most affected region is the Centre, with 46 closed schools, 30 of which are operating without authorisation.
According to the National Brigade for the Control of Private Educational Institutions, the resurgence of this situation is partly due to the passivity of all members of the educational community. According to the Brigarde, there is a lack of commitment on the part of some of the bodies responsible for applying the provisions of the decrees closing down these establishments.