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Cameroon: ANTIC Equips Magistrates To Fight Cybercrime

The National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies is equipping magistrates and judicial police officers with strategies and practices to…

The National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies is equipping magistrates and judicial police officers with strategies and practices to strengthen the security of Cameroon’s cyberspace.

Cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime were the focus of a seminar held in the capital of the North Region from 21 to 23 August. Organised by the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies, the awareness-raising seminar was aimed at magistrates and judicial police officers. These two categories of actors are involved in the search for evidence of cybercrime and the punishment of violations of the law of 21 December 2010 against cybercrime in Cameroon.
This annual meeting took place in a context where cybercrime is on the increase. These acts have a negative impact on economies. In his opening speech, the Director General of Antic highlighted the seriousness of the phenomenon and the need to strengthen the means of combating it.
According to Bouba Djama’a, cybercriminals use three categories of modus operandi to achieve their goals on the Internet. Scamming, a form of fraud, accounts for around 52% of cybercrime cases.
 of cybercrime cases and will be responsible for losses of around FCFA 1.1 billion by 2023. Phishing, a form of attack that is on the rise due to the development of the banking sector, accounts for 31.21% of cybercrime cases. Nearly 240 cases of identity theft will also be recorded in 2023, costing victims around 22 million CFA francs.
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