LifeEducation, Life

Cameroon: Controversy Rages Over Parents’ Association Fees

Various parents are furious when it comes to paying school fees for their children in secondary schools. With the start…

Fully operational Secondary School in Bamenda- Archived image

Various parents are furious when it comes to paying school fees for their children in secondary schools.

With the start of the 2024-2025 school year, a controversy is brewing between parents and headteachers over Parents’ Association Fees (PAE). Last July, many parents expressed their satisfaction at the announcement by the Minister of Secondary Education, Professor  Nalova Lyonga,  that these fees had been suspended. However, they are now surprised to find that they have to pay them when they register their children.

This situation has led to tensions in several schools, with parents referring to the Minister’s communiqué, which they claim has suspended these fees. In response to these concerns, the Ministry clarified that the said communiqué did not stipulate the cancellation of the fees, but only asked school directors to wait until the official opening of enrolments before collecting them.

This situation highlights the communication problems between the Ministry, schools and parents, and raises questions about the transparency and management of school fees in the Cameroonian education system. Parents remain vigilant and await further clarification as the new school year approaches.

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