The population of the village of Oudjila in the of Mayo-Sava division has been immersed into sadness since 6 March, 2023. Many remain homeless.
“I have 12 women and 28 children. As is traditional here in Oudjila, each wife has a bedroom, two attics and a kitchen. All this has gone up in smoke,” explains Salomon Oumar.
He is one of the many people affected by the fire on 6 March. It took place in the village of Oudjila, located about ten kilometres from Mora in the Mayo-Sava division in the Far North region. The flames did not only ravage hundred of huts in the village. The mythical chieftaincy of Oudjila did not escape the raid of fire. Everything is ruined. The vestiges of history have turned to smoke.
“We need help. We have lost everything. My national identity card receipt, my birth certificate, as well as those of my children are burnt,” laments a young woman who has seen all her things go up in smoke.