The Ministry of Higher Education reiterated this through an update published on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
The communication unit of the Ministry of Higher Education is clear, “Contrary to the rumor circulating on social networks, university fees are fixed by decree N° 1993/033 of January 19, 1993 modifying and supplementing certain provisions of decree n°79/186 of May 17, 1979, fixing duty payment rates academics”, can be read on the facebook page of the ministry whose boss is Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo.
This clarification comes to deny a rumor that was beginning to fuel the debates within the Cameroonian university community. This unfounded news was contained in an anonymous publication listing the materials whose costs are subject to increase in the new finance law, that of the 2023 financial year.
According to the document, university fees were increasing from 50,000 FCFA to 300,000 FCFA per student and academic year. The said document presents other increases such as the cost of the tax stamp which goes from 1000 FCFA to 1500 FCFA among others.