OpinionOpinion, Opinion column

Cameroon: “Let Us Stand Together To Demand The Release Of Junior Ngombe” Akere Muna

Junior Ngombe has reportedly been abducted and taken to the Gendarmerie Headquarters, also known as SED. As a social media…

Junior Ngombe has reportedly been abducted and taken to the Gendarmerie Headquarters, also known as SED. As a social media activist, he has been advocating for voter registration and participation. Concerned about his uncertain future, he rightfully expresses his worries and frustrations, as allowed by the constitution.

Despite the challenges he faces, he remains hopeful for a better future in Cameroon. He has not taken the risks of crossing dangerous territories like the Sahara or the Mediterranean, yet he now finds himself in a precarious situation within his own country.

It is concerning that the unpatriotic corrupt and greedy individuals involved in the Glencore scandal seem to receive better protection from the state they have captured, than a young citizen expressing legitimate concerns. This arrest is one too many. Let us stand together to demand the release of Junior Ngombe.

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