HealthHealth, News

Cameroon: Mora District Hospital Gets New Operating Room

The new operating theatre was inaugurated on the 9th of May by the Minister of Public Health of Cameroon. The…

The new operating theatre was inaugurated on the 9th of May by the Minister of Public Health of Cameroon.

The policy of universal health coverage in Cameroon continues to make progress. The latest development is a new health facility built in Mora, in the Far North Region. The city’s district hospital inaugurated a modern building last May 9. It includes an operating room, a pharmacy, a post-op room, a recovery room with a capacity of 2 beds that can be expanded to 4 if needed, a sterilisation room, a patient preparation room, hand washing stations with a mechanism that avoids contact with the faucet, two men’s and two women’s changing rooms, two changing rooms for men and women, a storage area for hygienists’ tools, modern toilets for staff and users inside the building, a surgeon’s office, a major’s office, a distribution locker, an intensive care room at the end of the operating theatre with a capacity of four beds, and a medical imaging room.

The building is the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Public Health and the NGO “Doctors Without Borders“. Health Minister, Dr Malachie Manaouda attended the inauguration and in his speech promised a medical ambulance, tricycles and, most importantly, upgrading the district hospital to a regional annex. He also took the opportunity to make the population aware of the measures and behaviour required to cope with the climate-related heat wave.

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