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Cameroon: National Identity Cards Now Cost CFAF 15,500 

Augentic GmbH, the German company responsible for the production of national identity cards, wants to start producing these documents before…

Augentic GmbH, the German company responsible for the production of national identity cards, wants to start producing these documents before the end of 2024.

By the end of this year, the government will have produced national identity cards within 48 hours.  This is the challenge the General Delegation for Presidential Security (DGSN) has set itself, but Cameroonians will have to pay the price.

From now on, Cameroonians will have to pay 15,500 FCFA to obtain a National identity card. The decision was announced on Thursday in a decree signed by the President of the Republic.

The new prices are as follows:

-The stamp will rise from 2,800 FCFA to 10,000 FCFA!

-Certificate of nationality 3500 FCFA

-Certified copy of birth certificate 2000 FCFA

Like the passport, the national identity card has been included in the list of documents whose prices have tripled. On 19 June, the Delegate General for National Security laid the foundation stone for the National Centre for the Production of Identity Documents in Yaounde.

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