The health campaign will be launched in the ten regions of the country this month.
The announcement came from the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Malachie Manaouda. He said a nationwide polio vaccination campaign would be held in Cameroon from 1 to 3 March. The target group is children under five years of age.
This will be the first such campaign to be organised this year. Vaccination teams will be deployed in neighbourhoods, hospitals, schools, markets and large gatherings to achieve this goal. The administration of the vaccine will consist of two drops of the oral polio vaccine given to the children. This will help in the fight against the epidemic, as some cases have already been reported in Yaounde.
“It is part of a synergy of strategies among subregional countries. In addition, the campaign will provide an opportunity for different countries to strengthen their routine immunization coverage by catching up with children aged 0-23 months who missed one or more doses in their usual immunization schedule.” said Minister Manaouda Malachie