LifeEducation, Life

Cameroon – School Resumption: No Pupils In Classes In Momo Division

The results of the first week of classes are contained in a communication from the North West regional assembly. Since…

The results of the first week of classes are contained in a communication from the North West regional assembly.

Since the start of the school year on September 9, 12,000 pupils have attended classes in the crisis-hit North West region. The figures sent to the Regional Assembly by the Regional Delegate for Secondary Education for the North-West show differences between departments. At the top of the list is Donga-Mantung, with 7,000 students in classrooms. At the bottom of the list is Momo, with zero pupils in classrooms. The Ngoketunjia department has two pupils.

Attacks on students, teachers and schools have led to the closure of 2,875 of the 6,970 schools in operation. In addition, the crisis in the North West and South West regions has deprived 780,000 children of their right to education, according to the United Nations. The hope of the national and regional education community is that the situation will return to normal so that all children in the North-West and South-West can return to the classroom. And for that to happen, weapons must be put aside and replaced with pens and exercise books.

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