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Cameroun-Media: National Communication Council Sanctions Five Media Outlet

Joseph Chebonkeng Kalabubsu, president of the council signed the suspension of five media outlets for various breaches of ethics and…

Joseph Chebonkeng Kalabubsu, president of the council signed the suspension of five media outlets for various breaches of ethics and professional conduct.

At the 43rd ordinary session of the National Communication Council, five media houses were sanctioned. The decisions, read out by President Joseph Chebonkeng Kalabubsu, concern RIS Radio (six-month suspension of the radio station and its publishing director), the newspaper Première heure (one-month suspension of a journalist and the DP), Équinoxe TV (warning to the channel’s director, one-month suspension of a journalist and the programme “Droit de réponse”), Cam10 TV (warning to a journalist) and Canal2 International (warning to a journalist).
These sanctions demonstrate the CNC’s determination to better regulate the Cameroonian media. The emphasis is on the quality of information and the concepts of ethics and deontology.
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