
DRC uncovers ‘plot to shoot down’ Tshisekedi’s plane

The government of Felix Tshisekedi says it has dismantled a Rwandan spy cell in the Democratic Republic of the Congo…

The government of Felix Tshisekedi says it has dismantled a Rwandan spy cell in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which was intent on assassinating the Congolese leader by targeting his plane.A Congolese government report on Tuesday claimed that the plot to shoot down Tshisekedi’s plane from the main airport in Kinshasa was Kigali’s handiwork and that two Rwandans and two Congolese citizens are being detained after being linked to the spy cell.

Kinshasa has emerged with what it called incontrovertible details of the alleged plot against President Tshisekedi whose love-lust with his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame is well documented over the last few years.

A video by Congo’s Deputy Minister of the Interior, Jean-Claude Mandongo which has been gaining traction on social media since last week appears to confirm the arrest of the four apparent members of the alleged spy network. 

It goes as far as to name the two Rwandans as Dr. Juvenal Nshimiyimana and Moses Mushabe, who allegedly serves as an intelligence official in the Rwandan Defense Force as key suspects. 

Mandongo’s video claims they have been working under the guise of the African Health Development Organization (AHDO), an NGO which was allegedly being used as a cover for Rwanda’s intelligence activities in the DR Congo.

This has not been independently verified as the Congolese government has not provided evidence to back its claim about the NGO whose offices are located in an area not far from Kinshasa’s N’djili International Airport.  

According to a report by the Congolese government on Tuesday, the location was used by the alleged spies to keep tabs on the movements of President Tshisekedi’s plane with the sole aim of shooting it down and killing the Congolese leader.

 The Rwandan government has dismissed the accusation as ”maliciously untrue”.

Relations between Kinshasa and Kigali have hit rock bottom since DR Congo and its neighbour trade accusations of using each other’s rebel movements for destabilization campaigns against their respective governments. 

Both sides have variously denied each other’s accusation.

It came as M23 rebels up the ante against Congolese troops in the east of the DR Congo where several towns and cities have been confirmed under the control of the militia.

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