
Equatoguinean leader’s entourage face Spanish indictment

Carmelo Ovono Obiang, Nicolas Obama Nichama and Isaac Nguema Endo have been indicted by the Spanish National Court, one of…

Carmelo Ovono Obiang, Nicolas Obama Nichama and Isaac Nguema Endo have been indicted by the Spanish National Court, one of the highest courts in the country over terrorism and torture.In Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has reigned unchallenged since 1979. 

In this small Spanish-speaking country in Central Africa, dissenting voices are kept quiet for fear of suffering travails under an authoritarian regime.

 Feliciano Efa Mangue and Julio Obama Mefuman, two Spaniards of Equatoguinean origin, aged 44 and 51 respectively, said they were victims in 2020. 

After a transit in South Sudan, they were forcibly brought to Equatorial Guinea to be held in prison.

 In their place of deprivation of liberty, the two complainants claim to have been subjected to terrible torture, along with two other political opponents.

 Because of their dual nationality status, the Spanish justice system launched an investigation that led to the indictment of Carmelo Ovono Obiang, one of the sons of President Teodoro Obiang, Nicolas Obama Nichama, head of internal security, and Isaac Nguema Endo, Director General of presidential security.

 Two of the three defendants, Mr. Obiang and Mr Nchama, own property in Spain, while Mr. Endo regularly travels there. 

Meanwhile Teodorin Obiang, the vice-president of Equatorial Guinea, accused Spain of interference, and claimed that the pair are “terrorists arrested by the Sudanese authorities and extradited to Equatorial Guinea” on the basis of an international arrest warrant issued by Malabo.


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