
Gambian civilians charged over foiled coup

Two civilians and a police officer have been charged with concealment of treason in connection with last month's foiled coup…

Two civilians and a police officer have been charged with concealment of treason in connection with last month’s foiled coup in The Gambia.A government statement named the suspects as Mustapha Jabbi, Saikuba Jabbi and sub-inspector Fakebba Jawara of The Gambia Police Force.

The trio who were arrested last Friday, appeared before a judge of the Banjul Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday over the charges and are being held in the remand wing of Gambia’s main Mile Two prisons facility.  

This brings to ten the number of suspected nabbed in connection with the foiled attempt to take over the government of President Adama Barrow in power since his shock election win over predecessor Yahya Jammeh in December 2016.

Barrow won a second term in December 2021 but his rule has been heavily criticized over its apparent inability to fix the country’s ailing economy exacerbated by official corruption.

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