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Glencore Affair: Trial Continues In London

Led by the President of the Cameroon Bar Association, Maître Akere Muna, the trial into the corruption scandal could reveal…

Led by the President of the Cameroon Bar Association, Maître Akere Muna, the trial into the corruption scandal could reveal the names of the Cameroonian officials involved and their accomplices.

 Akere Muna has been fighting for almost a year to shed light on the Glencore corruption scandal. An operation that has cost Cameroon billions. As well as compensation, he wants the names of the Cameroonians involved to be made public.
“Currently in London, where five former employees of Glencore are set to stand trial at Westminster Magistrates Court. Tomorrow is likely to be uneventful; the defendants may indicate their pleas, but it will mainly involve a confirmation of charges before being sent to Southwark Crown Court for further proceedings.
Being in London has caused my mind to drift back to the over four and a half decades that have passed since I was called to the Bar of England and Wales as a Barrister at Law of Lincoln’s Inn. I will be in court as an observer, closely watching these individuals who facilitated Glencore’s dealings with high-ranking government officials in SONARA and SNH. For the past four years it feels  as if I have been engaged in a  battle for the soul of our country. These heartless individuals, who thrive on the misery of countless Cameroonians from whom they steal, must be held accountable. The closing round is drawing near. « Man no run »” says Akere Muna.
Media outlets had revealed that more than 6.9 billion had been paid to officials at the Société nationale d’hydrocarbure and Sonara.
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