
Malawi postpones school opening in capital over cholera fears

Malawi has ordered schools in the capital Lilongwe and second city Blantyre to remain closed for the first term of…

Malawi has ordered schools in the capital Lilongwe and second city Blantyre to remain closed for the first term of the 2023 academic year as authorities battle a 10-month-old cholera outbreak that has devastated the two main cities.In a statement late Monday, the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 and Cholera said primary and secondary schools in the two cities should remain closed when the rest of schools across the country open on January 3. 

The postponement of the opening of schools in the two cities is for two weeks but this could be extended if the outbreak is not contained, said the statement signed.

“For all other learners in all health districts, the respective authorities should enhance compliance with recommended cholera control measures, including Cholera vaccination for those that have not yet been vaccinated,” the statement said.

The outbreak had by late Monday claimed at least 576 lives since March when it started.

The government has attributed the rise in cases to poor food hygiene, lack of safe water and poor sanitation.

Authorities have activated an emergency response system, with several teams of health professionals deployed across the country.

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