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Reports Say 6,000 Cameroonians Moved To Canada In The First Quarter Of 2024

According to the Cameroonian Business Association (Gecam), this migration trend makes Cameroon the second largest supplier of labour to this North…

According to the Cameroonian Business Association (Gecam), this migration trend makes Cameroon the second largest supplier of labour to this North American country, just behind France.

In the first months of 2024, an average of 6,000 Cameroonians immigrated to Canada in search of a better life, the Cameroonian Business Association (Gecam) said at an economic meeting with the press.
“Between January and April 2024, nearly 6,000 Cameroonians immigrated to Canada, bringing to several hundred thousand the number of Cameroonians who have chosen to emigrate to this and other countries in the last two decades. Cameroon is the second largest supplier of labour to Canada in the world, just behind France,” says the president of the Groupement des Entreprises du Cameroun (Gecam).
Proportionally, this figure will increase in 2022 and 2023. This trend, fuelled by the numerous crises that the country has been experiencing for several years, is not without consequences for the national economy and the labour market. The president of Gecam points out that the “brain drain” leads to the loss of valuable skills and threatens the competitiveness of our companies.
In essence, the brain drain, driven by insecure employment in the country, affects national economic growth by reducing the number of jobs available to meet the growing needs of various business sectors.
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