
Unleashing Africa’s digital potential: Top strategies to boost the continent’s economy

Africa is struggling to bring down the price of the internet. Despite advances in the field, the road to a…

Africa is struggling to bring down the price of the internet. Despite advances in the field, the road to a stable digital transformation is still long.


According to the World Bank, it will take $100 billion by 2030 to guarantee high-speed Internet access to all of Africa and an additional half million kilometers of fiber to cover the continent. How can Africa complete its digital transformation by expanding access to broadband at lower cost?


Disparities exist in the financing of startups according to the magazine Les Inspirations Eco. Several factors explain this, including difficulties in accessing networks of mentors who can accelerate the raising of funds or the lack of confidence in startups led by women.


In Burundi, agriculture and livestock are at the heart of the economy. These sectors employ a significant portion of the working population, including Cedric Niyongabo. He decided to revolutionize his farm by producing hydroponic fodder for his animals.

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