
Bus-loads of Eritrean troops leave Ethiopia’s Tigray

More Eritrean troops are withdrawing from Adwa and Axum cities of Ethiopia's Tigray region in large bus-loads, sources say.Loaded on…

More Eritrean troops are withdrawing from Adwa and Axum cities of Ethiopia’s Tigray region in large bus-loads, sources say.Loaded on Scania buses, Sinotruks and Isuzus, Eritrean troops who came from a place called Endabagerima made their way to Eritrea, crossing Axum and Adwa cities, eyewitnesses told APA.

According to eyewitness accounts, the troops played victory songs as they drove out of the Tigrayan cities, weaving the Eritrean flag.  

Two days ago, several Eritrean soldiers left Tigray for Rama several kilometres inside Eritrea.

It is not clear if the Eritrean troops have all pulled out of Tigray.

Eritrean troops have been fighting alongside Ethiopian federal forces against fighters of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Federalists had accused the TPLF of dragging Eritrea in the two-year conflict by firing rockets in the direction of the capital Asmara, during the first days of the onslaught. 

TPLF demanded the withdrawal of the Eritrean forces from Tigray as a precondition to give up heavy weapons as part of the peace deal.

The conflict has killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions in the north of Ethiopia. 

The peace agreement signed between Addis Ababa and Mekelle in Pretoria, South Africa has brought some normalcy to Tigray where scattered families can now reconnect as the region comes out of a long spell of isolation from the rest of Ethiopia.

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